Cloud Faxing without Compromise



Cloud Faxing with XMediusFAX Cloud — Don’t miss this event!

Thinking about moving your fax infrastructure to the cloud? Many organizations are. But how do you know which cloud fax solution is right for you? 

On Wednesday, July 26, at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET, Instant InfoSystems and XMedius are teaming up to bring you a FREE, information-packed webinar dedicated to introducing the XMediusFax Cloud solution.

XMediusFax Cloud is the newest offering from XMedius, one of the world leaders in fax and secure document transmission. In this webinar we will take you on a technical deep dive of the XMediusFax Cloud product, highlight the benefits of cloud faxing, and discuss the key considerations for making a seamless switch from an on-premise fax solution to the cloud.

We are excited to have our good friend and technical guru Karol Waldron from XMedius join us for an under-the-covers look at what makes XMediusFax Cloud one of the most robust and secure cloud fax solutions available today. Karol will give us an in-depth overview of key features such as:

  • Security and Compliance
  • Enteprise Integration
  • Reporting and Tracking
  • OCR and Barcode routing
  • Unlimited capacity/scalability
  • … and more

If you are an IT decision maker, compliance professional — or anyone who relies on secure fax transmission within your organization — and you want to learn how to reduce cost while improving reliability and performance, you will not want to miss this event.

As always, this informational session is completely FREE, but space is limited, so Register Today.

To learn more, download the XMediusFAX Cloud Brochure, Cloud Faxing without Compromise.

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