
Hurricane Irma Preparations

As Hurricane Irma moves closer to the southeast, we at Instant InfoSystems want to extend our thoughts and concerns for everyone’s safety. As you prepare for this storm we also want to make you aware of preparations our partner etherFAX is making to better serve our customers impacted by the storm.

We recognize that for many of our customers etherFAX is a life-line service. For that reason, etherFAX is making support available 24 hours/day throughout the duration of the storm for affected customers of Hurricane Irma and those still being affected by Hurricane Harvey.

If you need any assistance, please email support@etherFAX.net  and include ‘Hurricane Affected’ in the subject line of your request.

etherFAX will be responding to those requests and providing whatever support possible to keep these vital services up and data flowing during this time. etherFAX will be adding additional FL Toll Numbers to its existing inventory should any customers need extra fax numbers in the event of Disaster Recovery planning. There are no expected storm threats that could impact the etherFAX infrastructure or data centers at this time

Instant InfoSystems Support Customers may also contact IIS Support at:

Tel: 310.750.7209
Fax: 310.750.7219


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends at etherFAX for their extended support during this time. For those of you in the path of Hurricane Irma, we will continue to keep you in the forefront of our thoughts.


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